It’s Been Seven Long Years

It’s Been Seven Long Years

It’s time I return to this.

Since my last post here, I have been in a life-altering, disabling car wreck (deserving of a separate post), a dozen follow-up surgeries, gotten married, moved to France, and nearly died of Covid.

So, y’know, normal life stuff.

Given the state of social media these days, I have decided to move my SCA blogging off of Facebook and, instead, only use it to link to my posts here, as these are controlled by me exclusively — not subject to the whims of Zuckerberg et al.

I haven’t been very active in the SCA since my move to Paris; we are too far from the very-spread out groups to be able to really participate even semi-regularly. We have been to more kingdom events at Pennsic than we have here in Drachenwald itself. I have tried to maintain connections with my friends and folks back in Ansteorra, at least.

Turns out, this was a good call — beyond just genuinely loving so many of the folks there, we are returning to Ansteorra this summer due to visa issues and my parents needing help with the family ranch.

I am very much looking forward to seeing so many wonderful folks again, even if the situation is less than ideal.

My hope is to go through a backlog of photos and research that I’ve done while here.

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